Teen Talk
5 New Year’s Resolutions for Teens
Compiled by Shannon Baker
Nov/Dec 2007
It’s that time again, when we reflect on the events of the
past year with a mind to self improvement. Here are our 5 picks
for this year’s resolutions.
Get physically fit - for health’s
January is a very busy time in gyms and recreational centers, but
most people sign up to sweat with weight loss in mind. If you
want and need to lose weight then this is a noble resolution
to make, but all of us can benefit from adopting a healthy fitness
regimen. Getting fit will increase your energy level, make your
complexion glow, keep illness at bay, keep your mind sharp and
yes, even make your clothes fit better. Give fitness a try, whether
losing weight is among your goals or not, because being fit is
Give some of your time away - become a
There is great satisfaction in helping others – doing something
to somehow make the world a better place. By volunteering you can
find out firsthand how great it is to be among those who make a
positive difference in this increasingly crazy world.
Study hard - plan for the future today!
It seems like an eternity before you have to worry about a career,
but the clock is ticking faster than you realize. Before you
know it you will be graduating into the adult world. Getting
good grades now can help lay a solid foundation for you to make
all of your dreams come true. By taking the time to do your best
in school now you insure greater opportunities in life when you
are an adult.
Just say no! Stay away from drugs, alcohol
and cigarettes.
Almost every teen will cross paths with one of these “foes” before
they become adults, the trick to beating them is to be prepared
for them. When trying one of these vices most teens site peer pressure
as the number one factor in influencing them to experiment. This
year, resolve to beat peer pressure whenever, and where ever, it
challenges you.
Spend more time with your family.
At times, you may feel like your parents are driving you crazy.
However, they have been in your shoes and you should be able
to turn to them with questions or for advice. Find things that
interest both of you and enjoy quality time together. Talking
about issues such as dating, working, saving money, friendships,
etc. – will help you look at these topics in a different