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Baby Sign Language
By Jacqueline Bodnar
Posted June 2005
Lauren signs "more" |
What could be better than a young child that hasn’t
developed language skills yet being able to communicate with their
Today many children can do just that because their parents are
teaching them sign language. Teaching sign language to babies not
only has lasting benefits but has now caught on across the country
and has become the innovative way that parents are working to help
their child get ahead.
Signing Explained
“Although signing with babies has been around for over 20 years,
in the past couple of years interest has steadily grown,” explains
Jenny Hodges, a certified district manager for Baby Signs® (www.babysigns.com),
a national company that offers workshops and classes on teaching
babies sign language. Teaching sign language to babies gives
parents and children the ability to be able to communicate before
language skills have even been developed.
Most programs that are offered for teaching sign
language use everyday terms that are useful and relate to a babies
life. Hodges
that the most common first terms that are usually taught include
milk, more, eat and words that are related to meals, bedtime
and bathing. Other common first words for younger babies include
dog, baby, more, mommy and daddy. Once the baby is a bit older
then other words are introduced like phone, play, colors, rain
and car. There is no set amount of words you need to teach your
child, you could pick and choose a few common words or work to
expand their signing vocabulary.
Most of the words taught in baby sign language programs have
been adapted from the American Sign Language system. Other families
choose to make up their own signs for individual items they routinely
use around the house. The practice of signing gives babies the
opportunity to label objects, express their needs and to explain
how they are feeling. Children also get the chance to be a part
of choosing the direction and focus of what they want to do and
what they want to talk about.
Benefits of Signing
Young children often throw temper tantrums as a result of feeling
frustrated because they are not able to verbally express themselves.
Learning sign language as a baby is believed to help cut down
on some of those tantrums that toddlers experience because they
a way to communicate. As if just being able to cut down on those
toddler temper tantrums wasn’t motivation enough to send
parents running to find the closest baby signing program, there
are many more benefits beyond that. Research has shown that teaching
them sign language stimulates intellectual development.
"There is a significant percentage of the children who speak earlier
when their parents sign with them,” explains Nancy Cadjan,
president of Sign Babies (www.signbabies.com). “And even
those who speak at a normal rate have an easier time learning
language and an increased vocabulary when they do begin speaking.”
When babies have this ability to communicate to
have their needs met it is also believed to increase their self
esteem and confidence
level and many believe that it strengthens the bond between the
parent and child. Learning sign language as a baby also provides
a foundation for early literacy.
Getting Started
"Every baby is different and will sign when they are ready,” explains
Hodges. Usually within a couple of months you should see results
from your teaching efforts. Keep in mind that the older the
baby the faster they catch on to the signs. The recommended age to start
teaching your baby sign language is usually around eight months,
although some people do get started around six months. Even
if your baby is a year old or more it’s not too late to start
teaching them sign language.
If you would like to teach your baby sign language you have
a variety of ways that you can get started. There are books,
and Web
sites that offer a plethora of information on how to get started
and links to online signing dictionaries that show you how
to sign. “You
can take a class from a certified infant sign language instructor
or you can learn to do this on your own,” says Cadjan. “Taking
from an instructor is better because it gives you a chance to see
how the signs are made.”
Log on for more information or to find a class in your area.
Baby Signs
Born 2 Sign
Hand Speak
Sign Babies
Signing Baby
Signing Smart
Jacqueline Bodnar is a freelance writer and the
editor of WAHM-Magazine.com – the
online magazine for the Work At Home Mom.