Parenting 101
Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration:
County by County
By Amy Heesacker
Jan/Feb 2008
My friend told me that Pre-K
registration begins early in the year. Can you give me some insight
on when and how to register?
If you’re new to the area or just new to the public schools,
pre-K and kindergarten registration can seem confusing. Information
about the process and resource contacts are provided here to help
simplify and streamline your search for answers about registering
your child in the
following counties: Clarke, Barrow, Jackson, Madison, Oconee and
Age Requirements
Under Georgia state law, students must be 4 years old on or before
September 1, 2008 to enter pre-K and students must be 5 years
old on or before September 1, 2008 to enter kindergarten.
Lottery Funded Pre-K Registration
In the state of Georgia we have access to tuition-free
pre-K because of a unique statewide program funded by the Georgia
Lottery. The information in this section refers to this program.
depends on the provider. All lottery funded pre-K providers can
be found on Georgia’s Bright from the
Start Web site (www.decal.state.ga.us/).
Public School Pre-K Providers (county residence required)
Clarke County: Register your child during the
two-week kindergarten registration period (see below). Slots are
lottery assigned.
Barrow County: Applications available at
The Early Learning Center, 54 Star St. W., Bethlehem, GA 30620
(Pat Banford 770-868-1520). Applications are accepted through end
of March and lottery held first week in April.
Jackson County: Applications available at individual elementary schools with lottery
held mid-April.
Madison & Oconee Counties: No lottery funded Pre-K in
the public schools, but special education pre-K is available to
children who qualify.
Oglethorpe County: Call 706-743-8194 now to get on pre-K
list at Oglethorpe County Primary School. Lottery held April 30th.
Private Pre-K Providers
(county residence not required)
Registration procedures vary by location. Call the pre-K or Head
Start provider you are interested in to ask for more information
(www.decal.state.ga.us/ lists
all lottery-funded pre-K private providers in your area).
There are also many pre-K providers that are not lottery funded.
Contact individual preschool facilities for tuition, availability
and registration procedures.
Kindergarten Enrollment Procedures
Although counties vary with regard to specific procedures, generally,
the “four easy steps” for enrollment provided by
the Clarke County School District Web site (www.clarke.k12.ga.us/)
can be used across counties:
- Find out which school(s) your child is eligible to attend.
- Clarke County: attendance area map and street index at www.clarke.k12.ga.us/
- Barrow
County: contact Cindy Beggs at 770-867-4527
- Jackson County:
contact the board of education 706-367-5151
- Madison County: contact the board of education 706-795-2191
- Oconee
County: contact student services 706-769-3506
- Oglethorpe
County: contact Oglethorpe County Primary School
- Contact the school(s) in your attendance area/neighborhood
to schedule a visit and ask questions. All school contact information
is available on your county’s school district Web site:
- Rank order your school choices (if applicable) remembering
that bus transportation is only available within your attendance
area and that you need to consider schools other than your first
- Bring the following pieces of information and ID to
- Proof of residence (mortgage agreement, lease agreement,
rental receipt, water bill, natural gas bill, telephone bill,
or electricity bill)
- Your child’s birth certificate (Health Department)
- Your child’s Social Security card (if your child
has been issued one)
- Your Child’s immunization record (Georgia Form 3231)
Photo ID of parent/guardian (driver’s license, military
ID, etc)
- Proof of guardianship (only if child is adopted, in foster
care or living with someone other than birth parent)
Early Registration
Clarke County: Usually held last week of February and first
week of March at the Clarke Central High School cafeteria. Check
main Web site in December for updated dates and times.
Barrow County: Download registration forms from Web site
(English/Spanish versions). Check main Web site for updated dates
and times.
Jackson County: Check main Web site for updated dates and
Madison County: Takes place in May. Check school district
Web site for updates.
Oconee County: 2:45-5pm March 5th and 6th at individual
elementary schools.
Oglethorpe County: Kindergarten round-up April
23rd. Call for appointment.
Amy Heesacker holds a doctoral degree in Counseling and Developmental
Psychology. She is a part-time assistant professor at the University
of Georgia and lives in Athens with her husband and their children,
Javi and Isa.