Jarrett Harvey:
Heart Hero
By Kasey Dillard
Sep/Oct 2008
In Athens, our 2008 Heart Walk hero might be small, but he is a
big survivor. 2-year-old Jarrett Harvey of Winterville was diagnosed
with hypoplastic right-heart syndrome before he was even born.
Jarrett’s parents, Jessiann and Joey, met with specialists,
researched the disease and tried to learn everything that they
could about the condition their newborn would face prior to his
arrival. Jarrett had his first surgery at Egleston Hospital in
Atlanta at only 6 days old, and then underwent another operation
at 3 months old. This summer, Jarrett has faced yet another battle:
undergoing surgery to repair his mitral valve.
If your child is born with a heart defect today, the chances are
better than ever that the problem can be overcome and that a normal
life will follow. Recent progress in diagnosis and surgery makes
it possible to fix most defects, even those once thought to be
hopeless. As heart surgery continues to advance, scientists will
develop operations for other defects.
The American Heart Association (AHA) works hard to raise critical
funds for all types of cardiovascular research and education, including
childhood cardiac diseases. This fall, on October 2nd, the local
chapter of the AHA will hold the Clarke/Oconee Heart Walk at Bishop
Park. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. with activities for adults
and children alike. The Heart Walk is a non-competitive 5K that
is intended to promote walking as part of a healthy lifestyle.
There is no registration fee, but groups and companies are encouraged
to form a team to help the AHA reach their fundraising goal for
the event.
If you see Jarrett at home or outside playing, he is just like
any normal little boy. He loves to play with his sister, Jaynie,
or tell you about the chickens on their family farm. We are excited
for everyone to meet Jarrett at the Heart Walk!
The AHA’s Start! Heart Walk is proudly supported
by many local sponsors including the Start! cause partner, Athens
Regional Medical Center. For more information about the Heart Walk
and how to form a team, please visit the website: www.clarkeoconeeheartwalk.kintera.org or call the local chapter of the AHA at 770-612-6050.
Kasey Dillard is the Regional Director of the American Heart Association,
Athens, GA.