Feature/General SINGLE PARENTING: Circle of Support By Lesli Terrell Payne
Mar/Apr 2007
We had a great response from our
last issue about the creation of Athens Single Parent Network (ASPN).
Many have emailed asking for more information as well as made suggestions
for the group. Following are some ideas of where we're headed.
I strongly encourage you to let your single parent friends and
family know about us. ASPN is still very much in the "infancy"
stage so please get involved and be a part of something dynamic
for our children and for ourselves as parents!
I also encourage you to look online for support as a single parent.
I found dozens of websites that offered discussion boards, advice,
books, etc., all for dealing with the challenges of single parenting.
I have not been a single parent for very long and the fact that
I have joint custody means that I do have some support; not every
one is so fortunate.
One of the main reasons I wanted to do this
was to help others who truly need some help or maybe just a kind
ear. There are days (especially ones when I don't have my kids
with me) that I just want to talk - other times it would be fun
to enjoy an evening out. I truly hope that ASPN will be a way for
single parents to make new friends, create a ring of support amongst
us and maybe even bring that old social life "back to life" all
while trying to be the best moms and dads we can be.
Lesli Terrell Payne, founder of ASPN, is mom to Henry, 5 and
Will, 2. She is also "mom" to Maggie (her dog & running
partner), Tom (an ancient cat) and Q-Tip (a rabbit).
Park Outings (W.O.W., Memorial Park,
Bishop Park, Sandy Creek, etc.)
Zoo Atlanta, Georgia Aquarium
or Children's Museum of Atlanta
Enjoy and explore our public library
Movie Night
Ice Cream Social
Fly Kites
Yard Sale
Scavenger Hunt
Pot Luck Dinner
Community Service (what a great way
to introduce our children to "giving back"!)
Parents Survival Activities
(resources and support for parents):
Weekly or bi weekly Lunches or
Coffee Breaks
Once a month Dinner and a Movie
(no kids)
Baby Sitting Co-op (for a well deserved "night off")
Weekly Online Chats (for instance, Mondays from 9-10pm)
Newsletter or Listserv
the Date!
"March Madness" is coming to ASPN. This "adult time" event will
take place at the Broad Street Bar & Grill on Saturday, March
31. Join our listserv for more information by emailing AthensSPN@gmail.com.
Festivals, music, arts events • Storytimes
Parks and recreation events • Parent